Due Diligence Information
IDtorney Tech Inc. Corporate information
Operational field: Cybersecurity products distribution and MSSP (Managed Security Service Provider) plus e-commerce of Cloud Products and IT Hardware in Canada.
Canadian federal corporation headquartered in Montreal, QC, Canada.
Federal Corporation Number 1132153-6
Business Number (BN) 704068683RC0001
Corporate Name IDtorney Tech Inc.
Status Active
Governing Legislation Canada Business Corporations Act since 2019-03-26
D-U-N-S® Number: 204004592
NAICS: 454110
Quebec corporate registry 1174438276
Latest update available directly on Corporations Canada website
IDtorney LAW Bar information
Operational field: Regulated Law practice involved with the legal protection of it's clients trade secrets in the form of digital secrets.
Protection may be achieved either via subrogation of IT super-admin rights directly from the client or otherwise via specific limited-scope mandates that may involve the hosting, deployment or private management of said solutions.
Quebec Law Practice located in Montreal, QC, Canada.
Déodat Lê is a member of the Quebec Bar since 1997
Now doing business as IDtorney LAW.
Latest Bar Membership update available directly on Quebec Bar website
IDtorney Capital L.P. LP information
Operational field: Involved with emerging financial technologies and regulated matters that may be otherwise linked to said financial products or technologies.
Quebec legal entity located in Montreal, Qc, Canada
Limited Partnership created in 2019 under the Civil Code of Quebec.
Latest Corporate Registry information publicly available on Quebec Corporate Registrar.
IDtorney trademark registration CANADA
CIPO status: Originally filed: 2019-01-28
Regeisted since: 2023-06-08
Trademark: IDTORNEY
Trademark: IDTORNEY & Design
Since April 22, 2021: Trade mark number: UK00003567703
IDtorney trademark registration INDIA
Since May 26, 2021, Trade mark number: 4775928
IDtorney trademark registration MEXICO
Since March 10, 2021: Trade mark number: 2217710
IDtorney trademark registration USA
Currently filed & awaiting confirmation after recent CANADA 2023-06-08 registration. Filed in US under collaboration agreements between two countries.
Trademark: IDTORNEY
Filing Date: January 28, 2019